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justice of china中文是什么意思

用"justice of china"造句"justice of china"怎么读"justice of china" in a sentence


  • 中国司法


  • Overall moderate prosperity - social justice of china
  • In the article , the author uses dialectics , history analysis , comparative research and so many scientific methods , puts special emphasis on a large number of problems in present criminal justice of china . that is , the lower lawsuit etlicieacy due to unreasonable disposition in judicial resource , lack of quarantee in defendant and procedure rights , and the frequent unwise confrontations between accusing party and defensive party during the criminal suit ; widely discuss the reasonable factors of plea bargain system in china which was borrowed from the criminal suit in western country , and also discuss the reasonablness , necessity and feasibility of setting up charge and defense consultation system that is fit for the conditions of china and for the law of criminal suit , and put forward some practical ideas for setting up this system ,
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